Rabbi Teitelbaum spoke very highly of the Shliach, Rabbi Yonosan Denebeim [VIN had a story on rabbi Denebeim] director of Chabad of Palm Springs, California where he goes on bvacation/b and Davens at the Chabad Shul and uses the Mikvah. b....../b Now you can understand why the Rebbe used the idea of Yechi haMelech to mean hokitzu v'brannu/b shchne ofor because this is where techias hamasim comes from. However, when the words Yechi and Melech are separated by other words as it is b.../b
Keeper: Line-up je dobrý, osobne sa najviac teším na Voida, ktorého si vždy rád vypočujem, a tiež na klasickú rannú rozsekávačku DJa Golpeho :-) Steen: Line-up, si myslím, že je kvalitný, zaručuje dobrú techno jazdu. ...
Reval Hotel Management OÜ on testinud viimased 6 kuud otsingumootoriturundust, et edendada Reval Hotels gruppi kuuluvaid hotelle Tallinnas, Riias ja Vilniuses. Eesmärgiks oli t?sta teadlikkust rahvusvahelisel tasemel, suunata rohkem ...